Category Archives: Inspirational

What Intelligent People Have in Common

Intelligent People All Have One Thing In Common: They Stay Up Later Than You

They Stay Up Later Than You

There’s an electricity in the moon. A pulse, a magic, an energy. A bewitching entrancement unlike that of the sun.

The moon is for things unseen, things done in the shadows and beneath the fog. Under bridges and beneath bed sheets — it’s for wild hearts and unconcerned minds. It’s where plans are made in dark alleyways and secrets revealed under the soft haze of light coming through the cracks of closed shutters.

It’s when fugitives escape and kids run away. It’s when girls lose their virginities on torn leather seats and boys get into trouble. It’s when the suffering take their lives and the lonely seek comfort.

It’s when we fall in love — that passionate, all-consuming, purposeful love that always looks a little different in the light of day.

It’s by night that we see our true desires. We reflect on our moments of unhappiness and those yearnings that are momentarily blinded by the sun. It’s when we become poets and philosophers, martyrs and murderers.

It’s when we form regrets of days past and that profound hatred for those who hurt us. It’s when we choke on our tears through deep sobs that can only pour onto dark pillowcases.

The night is for passion. It’s for fanaticism, romance and trouble. It’s when your most tender, authentic and suppressed sides come out to play under the nonjudgmental eyes of the stars.

It’s for all those things you could never dream of doing by day, under the watchful eyes of the sun.

It’s no wonder night owls are more intelligent than those who hit the hay early. It makes sense that those who absorb the energy of the moon are more creative and open-minded than those who like to catch the early worm.

It’s only natural that those who go to bed earlier never experience the psychological and emotional changes that occur under the blanket of darkness.

According to ”Psychology Today,” intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal than people with lower IQ scores. In a study run on young Americans, results showed that intelligent individuals went to bed later on weeknights and weekends than their less intelligent counterparts.

In ”Study Magazine,” Satoshi Kanazawa, a psychologist at the London School Of Economics And Political Science, reported that IQ average and sleeping patterns are most definitely related, proving that those who play under the moon are, indeed, more intelligent human beings.

His analysis goes back to ancient times, asserting the idea that even in primitive years, people have been known to rise and fall with the sun.

Average brains were conditioned to follow this sleep pattern, while the more inquisitive, intellectual ones want to defy that pattern and create their own.

It’s an unconscious defiance that comes from refusal to acquiesce to the idea of mass appeal.

These findings are reported by “Study Magazine” as such:

Bedtimes and wake-up times for Americans in their 20s by IQ.

Very Dull (IQ < 75)
Weekday: 11:41 pm -7:20 am
Weekend: 12:35 am -10:09 pm

Normal (90 < IQ < 110)
Weekday: 12:10 am -7:32 am
Weekend: 1:13 am -10:14 am

Very Bright (IQ > 125)
Weekday: 12:29 am -7:52 am
Weekend: 1:44 am -11:07 am

Those with IQs less than 75 went to bed by 11:30 pm on weeknights in early adulthood, whereas those with IQs over 125 went to bed around after 12:30 am. This is no coincidence.

The data supports the notion that all night owls feel: the only real time for living is after everyone’s gone to bed.

Only after dark can we learn, absorb and study the effects of the day. It’s a necessary self reflection that few humans take the time to make.

There’s something to be said about those who fight the urge to sleep and explore that block of uncharted time that so many who always have their eyes closed will never see.

They Get Time To Daydream

All those dreams you can’t have during the day, when you’re snapped out of them by friends, family and work, are finally given time to run around.

Free to play in the open spaces of your mind, you can swim in all those thoughts you hid under your desk or behind mounds of paper work. It’s the most creative time of day, along with the most liberating.

It’s by the nightfall that your most uninhibited and passionate sides are explored. It’s the time to unleash your innermost desires and allow yourself the freedom that’s masked behind the taunting exposure of sunlight.

The night is for testing your limits and challenging yourself. It’s for discovering those passions you suppress all day and breaking down all those rules your parents made to protect you.

It’s the time to dig into those hidden corners of your mind and unknown trails of your subconscious. It’s a time of self-expression that can only be unlocked at night and evaluated by day.

They Are Anti-Establishment

Staying up late has been, and always will be, an act of rebellion. A defiance of the nine-to-five, the very habit of staying up late is revolutionary. Since ancient times, there is evidence that society condoned the night owls.

In the academic paper, “Why The Night Owl Is More Intelligent,” published in the journal “Psychology And Individual Differences,” it’s widely assumed that for several millennia, humans were largely conditioned to work during the day and to sleep at night.

While those who defy the trend, are more likely to “acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals.”

These “novel values” become the building blocks of leaders. They are the makings of revolutionaries, inventors and explorers. They are the ones who makes sacrifices and defy the societal pressure to follow the masses.

It’s no surprise that those willing to stay up late, to explore the uncharted territory of night, are more inquisitive.

They are more apt to make discoveries and challenge authority. They want to expand their mind, not shut it off just because people tell them it’s time for bed.

They Are More Open-Minded

Things that happen at night are things you can’t get away with during the day. It’s the time of utter licentiousness, of underhanded transactions and unseemly occupations.

It’s when the bars are opened and the poets write. It’s when musicians pore over instruments, geniuses have their breakthroughs and artists come alive. According to “Esquire,” it’s also when you have the most sex.

Healthy sex lives and late curfews are indeed, positively correlated. Those reported to have later bedtimes were buying more sex toys and having more sex than their sleepier counterparts.

One sex shop worker believes that intelligence is correlated with open-mindedness, which in turns correlates with a more open sex life.

Those who are willing to stay awake, who yearn for the mysteries of nightfall, are exposed to an array of discoveries that those who stay asleep will never know. It’s those who are willing to test their limits and explore in the dark who will bring more light to the day.

They Are Proactive

The early bird may get the worm, but the night owl gets the whole jar. While the early risers may get up to see the first worm crawl its way to the wet surface, the night owl gets to them before they burrow under.

Getting up early is most definitely proactive, but staying up late is just as fruitful. Those who stay up get hours ahead, rather than the one or two an early riser gains.

There are things to be explored at night that early risers will never experience. There are ideas formulated and tasks completed that early risers never get to finish.

Because at night, there is dawn and a new day in front of you. But by morning, there’s just the bleakness of night and the daunting end of another day.

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Posted by on August 4, 2014 in Inspirational


Don’t Give Up

damilare edited_2Sometimes we go through very tough situations in life and feel like packing our bags and giving up; you have probably done all you know to do but seems like the situation looks no different and in some cases it looks like the situation even became worse after you tried to make it better.

You may even be at the point where you tired of trying and feel like the one option left for you is quitting. Well, i want to encourage you today with these words “Don’t Give Up” You were never the type of person to grab the towel and throw it in! You were never the type of person to just go through the motions and give up on your life; you were never the person who allowed failure get the best of you!

It only ends when you quit trying, Champions never stop fighting until victory!! You must push through your pain, you must push through your disappointments, you must push through your discouragement and setbacks; Don’t let the situation get the best of you.

A champion is just a contender who believed, a success is just a failure who didn’t quit, Point is, if you keep trying and keep letting faith move your feet…there’s nothing you can’t be and there’s no situation you can’t change. Sometimes God will take you to places you don’t understand just to bring you to the place where He wants you to be, Trust Him!

Don’t give up on yourself, its not over until you win! Tough times never last but tough people do.

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Posted by on August 1, 2014 in Inspirational


CHANGE: Its time to Take Action!

changeI see a lot of people praying for change, but doing nothing to make change happen.

I see a lot of people complaining about their situations and wanting change so badly, but still doing the same old things that got them in that same situation.

I see a lot of people longing and hoping for a better life but doing nothing to make that life possible. You can’t keep expecting a different result from the same situations, when you let your actions stay the same.

Its time to get real with yourself,  Desires don’t produce results, Actions do! You are not going to have better, if you fail to do better. The outcome of your life will always be a product of your own doing.

Where you are today in life is the sum total of your actions or inactions overtime and you can blame nobody about it but yourself because you painted the picture. Sometimes it only takes little changes to cause big effects. Its time to take action, its time to move, break that mindset, get up from that situation, stop that pity party and begin to take actions towards your dream.

Change will always seem like a “big risk” to people who are comfortable in their current situations! Don’t be that kind of person. Make a decision today to work at change and become that person you were made to be!

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Posted by on August 1, 2014 in Inspirational


10 lessons from Wale Tinubu

wale-tinubunew1If you were to ask Group Chief Executive of Oando PLC, Africa’s leading indigenous energy solutions provider listed on the Nigerian and Johannesburg Stock exchanges, Mr Wale Tinubu, how to build a successful business, he would probably say the first thing you need is the ‘can do spirit.’

He’ll likely go a step further to instil it into you that “someone is going to trust you, but you should never doubt yourself and your capacities. Everyone is going to laugh at you, but the same people who laughed at you will tomorrow revere you for being able to be true to your self-worth by saying ‘I can make a difference.’”

Then he’d probably tell you to accept the fact that you’re never going to have the capital to start up your business, therefore, you’ll need to use unconventional means to raise it.

These principles helped Tinubu 20 odd years ago when he set up his mind to go into a private business and other entrepreneurs have sworn by these principles to work.

Start where you are. Ask an average Nigerian entrepreneur what his/her biggest challenge is and one would hear “start-up capital.” Tinubu’s answer to that is: “You’re never going to have enough capital, so forget about it. You’re going to need to be innovative.”

He said raising capital to do a business would always be a challenge to African entrepreneur, but it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your goals.

“The reason why an entrepreneur succeeds is that he sees value where it exists or it is ignored and you take the resources you have, however limited, and you start to build that value. Most of the successful business in the world today started in the garage. I started in the garage with no capital.” He said he started off with borrowed office supplies from his father’s firm, borrowed telephone from the family house and N2,000 from his mother.

While speaking with a group of Global Shapers in Abuja a couple of months ago, Tinubu also advised that you’ve got to take it slow, one step at a time. “You’re never going to achieve all in one day,” but you’ve got to keep moving. “There’s something about business: if you’re not moving, then you’re failing. You’ve got to keep moving,” he said.

Create a plan.  Tinubu believes in measurable result. Therefore, he creates a plan “that says this is what I want to achieve, this is how I want to achieve it, this is the timeframe for doing it. So, we send time researching how is it done,” he added.

Create a team of people who could do it well. For him, it was looking for people within the organisation who had capacity to deliver and who were passionate, of course.

Partnerships, he said are very important to successful ventures. “We would go round the world to look for partners that will share in our experience and support,” he said of his company, adding that first, create your structure and then back it up with your money.” He said this shows how serious you are at succeeding. “You will always have doubts, but do not allow your doubts to overwhelm your desire to achieve great things. Get involved in whatever it is you want to do,” he added.

There will always be an opportunity and when it does come, jump on it and then approach it  with all seriousness as the first one, he advised.

A 2012 Venture Capital report had that Tinubu, even as a student, was always on the look-out for new ways to make money. It was said that he used his school fees as working capital to travel to Europe for the purpose of purchasing luxury German cars to resell. He would drive the car through Europe and back to London, while trying his best to sell it off for a profit on the way, it was said. It was also said that Tinubu “repeated this operation about four to five times, and each time he netted a profit of about $5,000. He was only 21, but he was building the foundation for a future in deal making,” the report said.

Tinubu, while fielding questions from Cable Network News (CNN) Zain Verjee on African Voices, also pointed out that credibility and integrity are entrepreneur’s biggest asset, if he/she were to be successful.

Credibility and integrity are his company’s biggest selling point, as he put it. “When you start something and you said we want to do it properly, you want to do in it world class fashion, it sticks to your mind. If we said we’d deliver to you at 3 o’clock, the ship will be there to deliver to you, to the rigs, to the wet woods, as at when we said we would. And every time we did that, they’ll say to us “we never knew it was possible to receive your fuel at the time you booked it,” he said, to reinforce his point.

He told the Global Shapers that “when the opportunity comes, credibility and integrity are absolutely important.” He told the story of how, when he was starting up, he was happy someone would even consider giving him a loan and whenever it was time to pay up, he would be the first person seen to pay every month.

“I was so happy anybody would lend me money and I was the first guy to wake up in the morning to pay. I ran there out of respect because somebody trusted me and I noticed that every single time I couldn’t pay up, I was given more money. They say “look, don’t worry, here’s more cash and I thought is there something that I am doing wrong?” he said, smiling.

“After a while, you’ll learn to trust your gut feelings, trust your instincts, and use them to drive yourself. Have enough confidence in yourself to really push yourself to the end,” he also advised.

Aspire for more. In spite of everything he has done and accomplished, he still feels that moment of accomplishment has not arrived yet. “I am far from satisfied. I still think that we’ve only just scratched the surface,” he said in the African Voices interview.

Accept that challenges are part of your journey. “I like challenges. I like to think we can do anything we set our minds on to do. I am also very inspired by the power of people. And we’ve seen it happen. And we invariably succeeded all because we accept that there are bumps along the way,” he said.

Take risks. It’s part of being a successful entrepreneur. At 26, he took what some might call the biggest risk of his life. He took $100,000 loan which attracted 10 per cent interest per month.

Take care of the environment you’re doing business in. “If you can build a big company, surely you can build a bigger social net worth. Do something out of love,” he said. Add that to investing in indigenous expatriates.

Yes, if you asked Wale Tinubu how he would advise young entrepreneurs, he’d say first of all, you need the fundamental belief that you can do it – the can do spirit; second, build a very strong partnership and third, be persistent, never give up. “There’s going to be lots of obstacles to be faced, just view them as learning opportunities and never give up. Trust yourself, trust your gut feelings and use it,” he’d say.

The man Wale Tinubu

Wale Tinubu led Oando as the African company to achieve a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, achieving another milestone with the completion of the Canadian oil & Gas firms, Exile Resource, which gave birth to Oando Energy Resources (OER).

He is currently most recognised for turning a mono-product called Oando Marketing into an energy giant with investments across the energy chain.

Just this month, his company announced that it completed acquisition of Medal Oil and that it reduced debt through conversion of Oando PLC loan to equity. It also announced that by the end of the month, it would acquire the $1.65 billion ConocoPhillips.

He started his career with the family’s law firm, K.O. Tinubu & Co. where he worked on corporate and petroleum law assignments.

He was selected as a Young Global Leader (Business) in 2007 by the World Economic Forum and Member of the Global Agenda Council for the future of Africa in 2008 also by the World Economic Forum. He was named one of the Top 10 CEOs in the world by ASKMEN magazine.

In 2010, he won the Africa’s ‘Business Leader of the Year’ award by the African Business Magazine and the Commonwealth Business Council on the basis of his contributions to the development of the African oil and gas industry. In 2011, he was awarded the ‘African Business Leader of the Year’ by Africa Investor.

He has also been nominated for the Africa Investor Capital Markets Personality of the Year for the Ai Institutional Investment Summit- Index Awards shortlist 2012.

Tinubu has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) from the University of Liverpool, England, in 1988 and a Master’s degree in Law (LLM) from the London School of Economics where he specialised in International Finance and Shipping in 1989.

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Posted by on July 28, 2014 in Inspirational, Lifestyle


Live Out Your Truth!

inspirationA lot of people spend so much time living a life that’s far from their true reality just to feel included. They live a lie just to attract the people that mean nothing and push away the people that mean everything…

They spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need just to impress people they don’t like. It’s time to get real with yourself, It’s time to let people know you for who you really are and if they choose to walk away from identifying with your truth, then they weren’t meant to be in your life in the first place….

Don’t be caught living a life full of lies, because lies are only believable for so long, your truth will eventually show up in the end. You can “photoshop” your life for social sites, but that still won’t change the picture offline; You got to be honest with yourself, you got to be real with you.

It is NEVER too late to start over; Its never too late to reinvent yourself! If you don’t like how your life is going, YOU have the power to change it! You will stumble, yes you will! but you just got to get back up and do it all over again until you succeed! You can live a lie to gain the world, but taint your soul by dismissing the truth; If this truth offends you, it only means one thing.

You are living a lie! The truth will always step on the toes of someone living a lie…

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Posted by on July 18, 2014 in Inspirational


5 Facts that Will Give You Hope in a Better World


Big news came out today: The annual report on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – eight goals established in 2000 by world leaders at the United Nations – shows that the world is making significant progress in reducing poverty and improving lives.

This didn’t happen by chance; it happened by choice.

The MDGs have provided common goals for the global community to rally around and spurred partners into action. No doubt, there is a lot of work left to do and we need to do better in many areas, but today’s report is a sign that when we act, progress is possible.

Here are five facts from the report to give you hope in a better world.

  • FACT: In 1990, an estimated 12.6 million children died before the age of 5. By 2012, that number had been nearly cut in half to an estimated 6.6 million children.
  • FACT: Global actions to prevent and treat malaria averted an estimated 3.3 million deaths, mostly of children under 5, from 2000-2012.
  • FACT: The proportion of people living in extreme poverty was cut in half between 1990 and 2010.
  • FACT: All developing regions in the world have achieved, or are close to achieving, gender parity in primary education.
  • FACT: From 1990-2012, more than 2.3 billion people gained access to an improved source of drinking water.

Want to learn more about the MDGs? Visit the UN’s website,, and visit our website between every Monday between now and Monday, August 18 for our “MDG Mondays” blog series.

– See more at:


..AS THE KNIFE CAME CLOSER (A Story on Female Circumcision)

Female CircumcisionWhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttt…?’

The oldest amongst the village elders roared in anger. ‘How dare you stand in front of the highest committee in this village and talk rubbish…how dare you?’ He was shaking visibly as he poured out all kinds of curses and invectives on me.

I felt sooo small standing in their midst as they surrounded me like lions circling a prey. I was clearly intimidated, even my father by my side was no comfort to me. He just sat down dejectedly as he watched the proceedings, scared of being ostracized.

One of the women started talking ‘cutting girls is something our people have done for hundreds of years, only when you cut a girl can she remain pure till marriage and still stay faithful to her husband, this girl is a disgrace, she wants to go around sleeping with men’.

Another old woman cut in immediately, ‘this is one girl that wants to go against tradition; she has incited all the other girls with her stupid ideas, she has told them that we’re wicked and do not want the best for them, all her writings at the village square have been against the cutting, we can’t read what she’s been writing, but our daughters have been reading it and they’ve become stubborn, so many have refused to go for the cutting’.

‘What do you have to say about this young lady?’ the eldest Chief asked.

I began to talk, slowly at first, before gathering courage. ‘It is a sin, it is improper, I shouldn’t be made to go through this excruciating pain so I could give sexual pleasure to a man yet my own sexual pleasure is at the mercy of a knife, why should I be allowed to go through such pain just so I can be kept I check, and who or what keeps the boys in check?’

I had hardly finished my long tirade of words, when one of the Chiefs stood and gave me a stinging slap.

‘You are maaaaaaaaaaaaaad….’ He shouted!!! Take this thing out of my presence and do what is right for her.

I was led to meet the other girls. They saw me and fear gripped them. I used to be their source of strength; they read all my articles about Female Genital Mutilation and learnt a great deal about it. They wrote secret letters to me with questions, and I published answers in all my articles. I was their mentor, their leader, their savior, but now I was in chains, every iota of courage fled their skins.

The cutter came out; she had spent the night sharpening the knife on rocks. Then, I was brought forward; my legs were thrown apart, with several other women pinning me to the ground.
My clothes were removed and a bucket of ice-cold water was poured on me.
My vaginal opening was about to be reduced by removing my clitoris. The exact source of sexual pleasure was about to be sacrificed on the altar of chastity and purity. The knife came out, glistering, then it came closer, my eyes nearly popping out, I couldn’t shout, I was sweating, I was dying, the knife was coming close, oooooooo……my……g


She only stopped screaming when she stopped breathing. Her last scream was loud and piercing, and then reduced to a whine, then to cold silence. Now, she lay in the clutches of death, sorrow etched on the faces of the other girls around as they shake their heads in pain.
Her lifeless body lay in the mud house with thatch roof surrounded by sweaty older women. The father waited outside, head bowed in anticipation, anxiously waiting for news from the mud house. News, which was guarded jealously by the sweaty women, it was their turf and they were in control.
“Salako”, “Salako”, come inside, something has happened, the oldest among the women climbed out to tell him. “The gods are unquestionable, their actions and decisions are beyond the comprehension of mere men, Salako, you need to be a man, she wasn’t an ordinary child.” She replied him with a pat on his back.
He determined to brave it up, but the sight of his dead daughter broke him down, he sobbed like a baby. “Asake ooooo, why have the gods decided to bring such misfortune on me; death, why have you become a visitor in my house…?”


Then like a rehearsed and planned arrangement, the other girls started to chant. ‘My Vagina is for me, not for you’, these words echoed deeply at such early hour, the girls were relentless, thirty of them in uniform of purpose and determination of heart kept on chanting – ‘My Vagina is for me, not for you’.
The noise kept on growing louder and louder, it began to energize and embolden. The girls, now visibly angry, stood up from their kneeling positions, carried the lifeless body shoulder high, a mixture of anger and sorrow, the only emotions in their hearts.
The women couldn’t stop them any longer, they saw deep anger and hatred in the eyes of the girls, thirty naked girls chanting and marching back to the village square was not a movement to be stopped.
The train marched on, with tears in their eyes and pain in their hearts. Then the magic started happening, some older women began to join them. At that point, a mother of one of the girls ran to hug her daughter. Younger girls, who were scheduled to go through the circumcision, next year pulled off their clothes and joined in the march.
They sang and chanted…..that morning; the village witnessed an unprecedented event.

‘MY VAGINA IS FOR ME, NOT FOR YOU’ was the title of the last article I wrote and published at the Village Square before my death.

—-Female Genital Mutilation is still practised in more than 33 countries worldwide including Nigeria!!!

Written By: Akan Imoh


…When Failure Means Success!

Sometimes your biggest disappointments will birth your greatest blessings! A setback is not the end but a pit-stop to repair;

Failure is meant to change your approach, not break your spirit, failure is meant to motivate you, not make you quit. Been defeated doesn’t make you a failure, staying defeated does. It might be easy to stay defeated, but moving forward is the first step to achieving great success. You don’t have to let your scars scare you from having a future….

A survivor is not a Person who’s life has been struggle free but a person who has been freed from that struggle. Life is too short to be intentionally unhappy, So stop grieving over what could have been and start taking hold of what is….Everything that happens to us in life is a trial, a test we should see as an opportunity to grow, as something pushing us to find strength we did not know we had. The bigger the test, the more we are pushed to grow.

You got to stop believing you are a victim and start seeing yourself as a work in progress; Its time to exercise your strength. Stop complaining about the darkness, light a candle; Stop complaining about your failures, move beyond them. Don’t let your past failures keep you in bondage.

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. Life is designed to test your staying power, so don’t let your failures get the best of you, we may not always get it right at first, but we should never stop trying.

Have a Blessed Week ahead

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Posted by on June 16, 2014 in Inspirational, Motivation


8 Things Successful People Do To Win At Life (Infographic)

Here’s a quick infographic on the 8 things successful people do to be remarkably successful.

I have discovered through many years of following after my dreams and goals that, without passion, one cannot cross the finish line. As Steve Jobs once said, “You have to have a lot of passion for what you’re doing” and that, “if you don’t, any rational person would give up.”

Regardless of what you choose to do, I beg you to avoid the mistake of chasing after the cash. For there are tons of ideas that can make you filthy rich, but if you don’t enjoy your work, you will always lose to the person who holds more passion than you.

Things Successful People Do To Win In Life

Things-Successful-People-Do-To-Win-At-LifeIf you enjoyed this infographic on the 8 things successful people do in order to win in life, you should check out the key success indicators all successful people possess. Keep in mind that changing yourself does not occur overnight. It takes weeks or months, if not years, to alter a habit of yours. Start building momentum and then you’ll begin to pick up speed.

“All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”
Brian Tracy
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Posted by on June 16, 2014 in Inspirational, Motivation


10 Qualities Of A Real Man

Fathers Day1)  A Real Man Is A Leader  

He thinks before he acts, making sure all the details and specifics are in order so when he does make a move, it’s a confident and determined one.  He makes decisions while considering and valuing the input of others and those closest to him.

2)  A Real Man Is Independent 

He does not need a woman in his life to be happy but he appreciates, loves, respects, and truly values her if she is.

3)  A Real Man Is Assertive

He stands up for for what he believes in, behind his convictions,  his words, and himself.  He does not seek approval, supplicate, or beg.  He is responsible for his own actions, and taking action when necessary.

4)  A Real Man Is Present 

He is there for his spouse or significant other, children, family, and friends. He supports them in the right way, and does not enable unhealthy behavior.

5)  A Real Man Welcomes Adversity

He invites cooperation and competition, because he knows his self-worth and is comfortable with his capabilities.  He is not afraid to ask questions when he doesn’t know the answer.

6)  A Real Man Is Honest

He knows being straight forward and upfront is the right thing to do.  He is faithful and respectful when it comes to managing his relationships (business and personal).

7)  A Real Man Has A Plan

He knows what he wants and he goes for it.  He develops a structure from which to act, and get’s better in accomplishing every successful step of it.

8)  A Real Man Is On The Level

He is able to  keep his cool in moments of stress and bends without breaking in the face of adversity and dire circumstances.

9)  A Real Man Has A Sense Of Timing

He knows when and when not to crack a joke.  He’s charming and chivalrous – in the right way (i.e. opening the door out of respect and appreciation, not because he feels he has to, or because she cant).

10)  A Real Man Embraces Success

He is not afraid to win and knows the value and growth that comes with losing.  He knows that a rising tide raises all boats, that there is plenty of room in the winner’s circle,  and wants others to succeed, too!

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Posted by on June 15, 2014 in Inspirational, Lifestyle